Engine filters supplier

مولد درجة حرارة الماء المبرد

زمن: Mar 10, 2023

Generator Radiator Water Temperature

مولد درجة حرارة الماء المبرد

The water temperature of the generator has clear regulations, but some people want to adjust the outlet water temperature very low, even close to the lower limit. They believe that the water temperature is low, there will be no air erosion in the pump, and the cooling water or liquid will not be interrupted, which is guaranteed. In fact, as long as the water temperature does not exceed 95 ° C, air erosion will not occur, and the cooling water or liquid will not be interrupted. Otherwise, if the water temperature is too low, it will be extremely detrimental to the operation of the generator.


1.If the temperature is low, the combustion in the cylinder will deteriorate, the fuel atomization will be poor, the combustion time will be prolonged after the fire, the engine operation will be unstable, the damage of crankshaft bearings, piston rings and other components will be aggravated, and the power and economy will be reduced.


2.The water vapor after combustion is easy to condense on the cylinder wall, causing metal corrosion.


3.Burning diesel oil may dilute the oil and make the lubrication worse.


4.Incomplete fuel combustion will lead to the formation of colloid, which will cause the piston ring to be stuck in the piston ring groove, the valve to be stuck, and the pressure in the cylinder will be reduced at the end of compression.


5.إذا كانت درجة حرارة الماء منخفضة للغاية ودرجة حرارة الزيت منخفضة جدًا ، يزداد سمك الزيت ، وتصبح السيولة ضعيفة ، ويكون حجم الزيت لمضخة الزيت صغيرًا ، وإمدادات الزيت للمولد غير كافية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، يصبح خلوص محمل العمود المرفقي أصغر ويكون التشحيم ضعيفًا.


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