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احتياطات الحاويات الصامتة

زمن: Apr 27, 2023

Silent container Precautions

احتياطات الحاويات الصامتة


Silent diesel genesets are widely used in the market today, this unit is suitable for noise in the urban environment, silent noise reduction material for diesel generator sets greatly suppresses the extension of mechanical noise and can reduce the noise to less than 75 decibels.


The daily maintenance of diesel generators is very important. To keep all parts clean, please always check the tightening of parts such as hub bolts, nuts, and split pins to keep them secure. Add grease to the swing shaft sleeve, front wheel shaft, steering knuckle.always check the oil level of the tumbler, guide wheel, roller. add lubricating oil if necessary, and clean and change regularly as required. So that can increase the life of the generator.


يجب إضافة حواجز بالقرب من مداخل ومخارج التهوية لتقليل ضوضاء المروحة وإضعاف التأثيرات المعاكسة للرياح الخارجية.


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