Engine filters supplier

ما هو الغرض من فلتر زيت ناقل الحركة؟

زمن: May 30, 2023

What is the purpose of a transmission oil filter?


The transmission oil filter is an important component of a vehicle's transmission system. Its primary purpose is to filter out any foreign particles or debris present in the transmission fluid, thereby preventing damage to other transmission components.


The transmission oil filter is generally located inside the transmission pan, where it is attached to the transmission itself. It typically consists of a filter element made of various materials, such as paper, mesh or synthetic fibers, and a housing that encases the filter element. As transmission fluid passes through the filter element, any contaminants or debris are trapped in the filter media, preventing them from circulating through the transmission system.


The transmission oil filter also helps to maintain transmission fluid quality. Over time, transmission fluid can break down and become contaminated with dirt, metal particles and other debris. This can cause premature wear of transmission bearings and gears, leading to potential transmission failure. By removing these contaminants from the transmission fluid, the filter helps to extend the life of the transmission and prevent costly repairs down the line.


Regular maintenance of the transmission oil filter is crucial to ensure proper operation of the transmission system. Most vehicle manufacturers recommend that the transmission oil filter be replaced every 30,000 to 40,000 miles. Failure to do so can result in clogged filters, leading to compromised transmission performance and potential damage.


في الختام ، الغرض من مرشح زيت ناقل الحركة هو حماية نظام النقل عن طريق تصفية الجزيئات الغريبة والملوثات والحطام من سائل ناقل الحركة. هذا يحافظ على سائل ناقل الحركة نظيفًا ويساعد على منع التآكل المبكر لمكونات ناقل الحركة. إنه مكون أساسي في نظام النقل ويجب صيانته بانتظام لضمان الأداء الأمثل وطول عمر النظام.



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