Engine filters supplier
  • Magnetic Pick-Up 10000-50865
    مغناطيسي لاقط 10000-50865 1000050865
    مغناطيسي لاقط 10000-50865 1000050865
    The function of magnetic pickup 10000-50865 The magnetic pickup 10000-50865 is a device that is used to detect and pick up electromagnetic waves. It can be used to detect and analyze various types of electromagnetic waves, including radio waves, microwaves, and infrared radiation. This device is often used by scientists, engineers, and researchers who are studying the properties of electromagnetic waves and how they interact with different materials. It can also be used in various industries, such as telecommunications, aerospace, and manufacturing, to help detect and troubleshoot issues related to electromagnetic interference. Overall, the magnetic pickup 10000-50865 plays an important role in understanding and harnessing the power of electromagnetic waves.   رقم الجزء: 10000-50865 نوع الجزء: مستشعر التقاط / سرعة مغناطيسي الماركة: FG Wilson سمات (ارتفاع / عرض / طول) سم: 2.50 / 12.50 / 14.00 رقم الجزء البديل لـ OEM: FG Wilson 1000050865 التطبيق: بيركنز 403404   10000-50865 عرض الصور    

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